Encore une fois, la suite de mon ménage de sketch! Je n'écrirai pas longtemps, j'ai plein de travail qui m'attend! Ah lala! Est-ce que quelqu'un peut m'expliquer pourquoi les rushs arrivent-t'ils toujours en même temps, de tous les côtés??? >__< Bref, il ne manque pas d'action dans le coin, ces jours-ci!
Here again the consequences of my cleaning session! I won't write here long, since I've got a big load of work waiting for me. Can someone tell me why each time there is a rush, it must come all togheter on every side?? Anyway! It sure is action packed around here lately >__<
merci minini jaime bien ton blog et ton esprit tout mignon je repasserai a bientot et si tu vien sur paris previen moi on, ira faire des croquis hihi
sont toutes super cutes.
I don't know how I keep missing such wonderful blogs as these! I really adore the dynamic poses you have for your character designs -- you provide the right amount of weight to make it surreal. Terrific work.
If I had to use two adjectives to describe Chaleur d'Hiver it would be beautiful and awe-inspiring. I really enjoyed it as well as your other short animated pieces.
If you don't mind me asking did you create your animations via Photoshop, Imageready, and Premiere? Also this will sound silly, but did you design the storyboard template for your animation? I had a hard time finding strong samples of a storyboard template. I hope you don't mind if I borrow some design elements from yours when I make my own.
The amount of life in your characters amazes me. Every single one of them looks like they each have their own personality and that's really the ultimate goal and you always achieve it. I can't get enough.
hello ! Merci d'avoir laissé un commentaire sur mon blog. Tes travaux ont beaucoup de personnalités, c'est un chouette univers que tu as ! bonne continuation et à la prochaine à Québec !
Very cool sketches, I like your style!
cute designs
These are probably some of the most appealing characters Ive seen in a long looooong time!
Great drawings and you're amazingly talented!
saw your link on the flight boards, really lovin your work!!
Wow, great stuff on your blog. I'll be checkin' back again.
Movement and gesture abound.
Very nice!
awesome animated character drawings!
Ah, bien salut a toi Christine! Merci! Je suis plus sure si c'est mon blog ou moi qui est debile haha.
J'suis bein content de travailler avec quelqu'un de talentueuse comme toi! Super dessins!
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