Thursday, May 07, 2009


Ahhh tant de travail!! Et si peu de temps pour y arriver! Je suis désolée de ne pas garder ce blog plus vivant! Mais c'est à ce garocher dans les murs ces jours-ci! Bonne nouvelle, ce sont tous des projets ultra palpitants! Mais secrets! :) hihihihi! 

J'en montrerai plus tard quand j'aurai le droit.  J'ai aussi un nouvel ordi! Mac!! YES!! The real power of 4gigs ram. Je pouvais pas dire ça avec mon ancien portable Vista. beurk.. Ça fait officielement une semaine que je l'ai, et Flash n'a PAS planté une seule fois!!!!!  ^^ *touche du bois*

Bon, en attendant que je revive, voici quelques autres petits croquis éparpillés.


Ahhh!! so much work! I'm so sorry for not keeping this blog alive recently. But right now, it's like throwing myself into walls (awkward translation of a French expression). But good news, these are awesome projects! But secret!!! hehehehe!

I'll show some eventually when I'll be allowed to. Also, I've got a new computer now! Mac, YES!!! The real power of 4gigs ram. Couldn't say that on my previous Vista laptop. yeww It's been not officially one week, and Flash didn't crash even once! 

Ok so until I get some free time (and a life), here are some more random sketches.

p.s. Croquis au fusain... il me semble. *****  Charcoal sketches.... I think.


Unknown said...

A ben ça fait plaisir ! j'aime beaucoup tes petits crokis!

Nunumi said...

ahh merci!!! C'est temps-ci y'a que ça que j'ai le temps de produire!! Tous mes dessins "finis" s'en vont a des clients. À quand les vacances!?!?!?!

nideep said...


Unknown said...

I really like the bottom left one, completely absorbed in a little dance.

Nunumi said...

Hey thanks everyone!! :) I'll try to update again soon. So hard to keep a blog up to date!!! >_<

Kyri Kyprianou said...

Nice drawings- I'm liking the feel of your blog in general, feels more roomy...I could really stretch in here! Good old white space...

Unknown said...

THese character drawings are very appealling!

CandiWare said...

very cute I know what you mean about no life -,- but thats what you kinda ask for being an animatior or whats what I find for me anyways, I love your work very cute can't wait to see more of it :)

.guarajeno. said...

very nice blog :)
i love it!

alexandre said...

Tres chouette ton nouveau Blog Christine!!

C'etais bien de te revoir le mois dernier! Passe un bon ete!!

Dominic Philibert said...

Excellent sketch!!!

Heather Dixon said...

Your stuff is freakin awesome, love it!